Notice: Undefined index: customer_group_type in /home2/hospitdemo/public_html/catalog/model/module/mega_filter.php on line 1514
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'GROUP BY txt, `pa`.`attribute_id` HAVING txt != '' ORDER BY `' at line 45<br />Error No: 1064<br /> SELECT `a`.`attribute_id`, REPLACE(REPLACE(TRIM(pa.text), ' ', ''), ' ', '') AS `txt`, `ad`.`name`, `ad`.`mf_tooltip` AS `tooltip`, `agd`.`name` AS `gname`, `agd`.`attribute_group_id` FROM `oc_product` AS `p` INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_store` AS `pts` ON `p`.`product_id` = `pts`.`product_id` AND `pts`.`store_id` = 0 INNER JOIN `oc_product_attribute` AS `pa` ON `p`.`product_id` = `pa`.`product_id` AND `pa`.`language_id` = 2 INNER JOIN `oc_wk_hotel_room` AS `whr` ON `p`.`product_id` = `whr`.`product_id` INNER JOIN `oc_wk_hotel_facility` AS `whf` ON `pa`.`attribute_id` = `whf`.`facility_ocid` INNER JOIN `oc_attribute` AS `a` ON `a`.`at in /home2/hospitdemo/public_html/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 40